Accidental Heroes
Menage et... Holy Shit!


Terwilliger's Place
How hard can it be? They're big, but they're still just animals, right? Right!?
Find out who this Harold is and bring him to me.
A thousand pardons, Dark Master, but I thought we planned to track them?
Ah, but you yourself said that tracking a fool was too hard. We will capture him, then they can track him to us.
Your wisdom far surpasses my own, my liege
Of course it does. Now find the old man.

  Adventure Summary

The posse headed north to investigate Terwilliger's place. Their goal was to rescue the two deputies, recover the lost animals from the zoo and break up the dam.

Kincaid scouted ahead and spotted six beavers, 4 smaller ones and two larger. The beavers didn't see to pose much of a threat, so the group checked out Terwilliger's house instead.

There they found five pits, four of which were occupied by a bear, a lion, 2 elephants and a herd of sheep. Crowe fed the various animals (including giving two of the sheep to the lion and the bear). The fifth pit was empty, but it seemed clear that two large cats had escaped from it. Less clear was when they escaped and what they were up to now.

Checking the actual house, Kincaid and Virgil were nearly hit by flying excrement as they opened and then quickly slammed the door. Opening it again, they tossed in a bunch of bananas and distracted the five monkeys within. A search of the house revealed that the professor had been doing experiments to try and give humans the characteristics of animals.

His experiments were mostly a failure and when he ran out of test subjects, he turned to himself and grew progressively more mad. The two deputies were found, but both were dead. They had, apparently, been given the elephant extract. They were very large and their noses had elongated to form trunks and their front teeth looked rather tusk-like. Their ears were also growing.

While the others busied themselves with the destruction of the beaver dam, Crowe "subdued" the monkeys with a little liquor, then buried the elephant men in one of the pits using some dynamite.

Back on the lake, the rest of the posse decided to try to blow out one end of the dam. They succeeded and the lake began draining. After a time, two fo the beavers came to repair the dam. A hail of gunfire left one of them very dead and the other very scared. One of the logs they had floated over got caught in the stream and began moving towards the dam.

Thinking it would cause major damage, Virgil roped it and then he and Urek tried to keep it from hitting the dam. They were only partially successful and the log wound up wedged between the dam and the shore. A minute later, the floating beaver hit it and the end of the dam was rocked.

The posse heaved on the log eventually pulling it out far enough that the far end tore through the dam and tumbled downstream, taking the beaver with it. The water loss from the dam increased tremendously and the end of the dam began to erode away quickly. The posse rode to the other end of the lake to pursue the fleeing beavers.

Crowe spotted the train cars in the rapidly draining lake but they were still submerged. The posse shot one more beaver, then they all holed up for the night in the professor's place. About 3:17 am, the rest of the dam gave way with a tremendous crash.

In the morning, Kai Low showed up and tried to arrest Kincaid. When Urek said he had already done it, Kai Low told them the circus people were coming down to get their animals and that Harold would be with them.

He wasn't. It turned out that he had gone to Willoughby.