Accidental Heroes
Last Stop: Willoughby?


Terwilliger's Place
What the hell happened here?
I don't know, Kincaid and his boys...
Kincaid? That explains it.
They're not coming.
Slap! Shut up fool, of course they're coming.
They're not stupid you know.

  Adventure Summary

The posse arrived in Willoughby looking for Harold. Instead, they found another man claiming he was the famous gunslinger, William Kincaid. A brief discussion ensued in which the real Kincaid and his friends questioned the imposter. The young man proved unshakable. Hector decided to compare his look to that of the wanted poster and got it out, he then turned to show it to the imposter and the rest of the crowd.

The kid was fast and put a knife through the poster, pinning it to the wall. Unfortunately, Valdez was faster, and his gatling pistols made short work of the now deceased poser. Urek convinced him to give up his guns and the sheriff escorted him to jail. Once he found out the real Kincaid was in town, he went down and arrested him as well.

After an unpleasant night in jail, Kincaid was released on Baruda's word. Valdez was held pending a trial. After a humorous discussion with Kai Low, Crowe headed into Poison Pass to find Harold and make sure he came to town.

When he showed up, he paid Urek the $500 he'd promised. Urek donated most of it to the church. Harold did not divulge exactly why he'd put out a bounty on Kincaid, but did admit it was a fake. He left without really resolving anything. Kincaid thought he looked like some guy he'd once killed, but wasn't sure.

The following day, Crowe used some wily tactics to convince the circuit judge that Hector had acted completely in self-defense.


The Marshall keeps using D&D terms
GM: Hmm. Maybe a cross-dimensional campaign...
Tom: Did the dragon breath fire on you?
Tom (again): No, worse, he had chew

Crowe: If you hear gunshots, get the horses.
Urek: You're going to have to give me a little more warning.
Crowe: Get the horses

Crowe: Gunfighter? Me? I only got 9 notches on my handle. 'course, it's a new handle

Crowe: I take out a penknife and carve a notch on my lawbook