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Against the Lich King



The campaign will take place in and around the village of Westhaven.

Westhaven sits on the shore of Lake Grogon, a large freshwater lake. The low rolling hills are wooded with pines and hardwoods most of it old growth. About a mile from town is an open pit copper mine.

Westhaven is a village of about 250 people mostly human. There are a couple of elves and half elves and a small band of dwarves.

The nearest settlements are Doomgate, which is about 60 miles to the north, and Oxgate about 75 miles to the south.

Six truths

  1. Dobruk the lich is the king of the undead that lead the armies of undead that destroyed the first kingdom.
  2. The first kingdom is riddled with underground tunnels often filled with undead
  3. There are several above ground ruins left from the first kingdom often filled with bandits or strange creatures
  4. Few undead are seen above ground except in the old northern battlefield
  5. The area surrounding the village of Westhaven has been getting wilder
  6. Dobruk has human agents
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