The Heroes of Aredel

When the Surf Meets the shore... - April 9th


At the Keep

"Sunder, I do not care for the tone of your tales. They do not properly recognize my accomplishments."
"Wut did I miss?"
"You missed much of what I did and made light of what you did include"
"I wryte onle wut I see. If puny elfling is inviiable, then I can not see"
"I am not puny!"
"I wryte wut I see. You can wryte wut yu see too."
"Perhaps I shall - with my unique clarity of vision and my knack for being in just the right place, it may be the only way to be sure my achievements are properly documented"

And the tale shall be told...

The Anals of the Far Stalkers:
III. Emtee Promisis

Hear me words, for I Sunder, a walker and reaver on old roads.

I am no elfling to speek of things I have not dun. My tale will go on when thar is mor to tell and no suner.

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