Here's where you find out what's happened in previous adventures and what's still to come (in some cases).
May 8, 2002 - Orobouras Requiem Part IV
- Can we trust the people of Acu long enough to let us kill him?
May 6, 2002 - Orobouras Requiem Part III
- Wherein the plots of Shing may be revealed.
May 1, 2002 - Orobouras Requiem Part II
- Wherein the plots of Shing may be revealed.
April 29, 2002 - Orobouras Requiem
- Wherein the plots of Shing may be revealed.
March 25, 2002 - Dungeon Crawl II
- A little more subterranean mercenary work.
March 18, 2002 - Dungeon Crawl
- A little subterranean mercenary work.
March 9, 2002 - Which Path to Take
- Our world is the choices we make.
February 25 2002 - Expedition to the Shan Peaks
- In pursuit of the Sword of the Mongoose!.
February 4, 2002 - Assault on the Red Dragon
- Wherein a gaming house is taught the error of its ways.
January 7, 2002 - Taker of the Dead
- More snakes!
December 17, 2001 - It had to be snakes!
- If only Hadji were here!
December 3, 2001 - Hunted
- Powerful enemies often have powerful tools at their disposal.
November 19, 2001 - Dangerous Journeys
- The group makes a treacherous journey to Tai Mien where at last their future becomes known
November 5, 2001 - Fateful Decisions
- The party faces the first of many decisions about the fate of their young charge.
October 29, 2001 - Thieves in the Night!
- The players do their best to protect Castle Song and the family from a vendetta.