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Eight Skilled Gentlemen


The following feats are available to any character and function much like normal feats.

Choke HoldPinned opponent may be knocked out. Uses Martial Score for save and duration.
Craft TalismanSpellcaster feat for making talismans.
Defensive attackIf missed while on total defense you can attack the next round at +4.
Defensive ThrowAttack of opportunity against anyone you are dodging who misses.
Eagle Claw attackAllow Sunder attacks with bare hands.
Earth's embraceDouble damage while you have opponent pinned.
Falling star strike(Chi) Blinds opponent, uses Chi score for save and duration.
Fists of iron(Chi) Raises base damage to next die up instead of OA version.
Flying kick: Double damage when charging.
Freezing the Lifeblood: (chi) Attack that paralyzes, Uses Chi score for save and duration.
Grappling Block: Disarming parry.
Great Ki shout: (Chi) shout panics foes.
Improved Grapple: Starts grapple at first strike. No attack of opportunity against you.
Karmic strike: Lowers Ac in return for attack of opportunity against anyone who hits you.
Ki Shout: (Chi) Shout unsettles foes.
Pain touch: Stunning blow victims become sick for one round after recovery.
Prone Attack: May attack from prone without penalty, if successful may stand instantly.
Remain Conscious: (Chi) Remain awakes until - Chi score in HP for Chi score rounds.
Roundabout kick: After a critical unarmed attack, make a second free at same bonus.
Superior expertise: Unlimited bonus to AC.
Unbalancing strike: Unbalance opponent. Uses Martial Score for saves.
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