Check out what everyone else is saying:
- On Sunday, 04-Aug-02 21:50:52 EDT, Tom said
- Do you have rules for character creation yet?
- On Saturday, 03-Aug-02 14:47:27 EDT, JOe said
- different setting, more of a late holy roman empire setting for culture, El Cid's war against the moors as current events, and a stopping a attempt to start the final winter that ends the world as the campaign.
- On Saturday, 03-Aug-02 11:29:24 EDT, Steve D. said
- It sounds interesting. Would we play our old characters or new ones or choice? Do you have a preference?
- On Friday, 02-Aug-02 16:07:52 EDT, JOe said
- Thinging about running again following Pennzic, probally on wendsday.
Hers a introduction to the seting to see if anyone would be interested in playing.
Winter’s Harvest
In the 737th Year of the age of Regis, the Aleriat Empire stands on the verge of a massive invasion of the last Morian Stronghold in the Southern Marches, a campaign that will drive the hated invaders into the sea and cement the Empires claim to ruler ship of all the northern continent.
Suddenly rumors begin to circulate in the capital about the Iago pass to the Northern marches being snowed in for over two months pass the start of spring. Little has been thought of it until the Emperor announces the order to uncase the banner of the 13th legion. Twelve legions are keep in permanent formation by the empire, the 14th and 15th legion have been activated and maintained since the start of the peninsular war, the 13th is only raised during times of Imperial emergency.
Wild rumors begin to circulate, but the only commonly known information is that a lone rider, the last of a full Phalanx of men sent across a forgotten high pass over the spine of the world, recently arrived carrying a warning of a winter that will not end, starvation and rebellion. The north holds the only Empirial source of Cinnabar, a vital ingredient in the Firepowder needed for the Cannons to be used in the peninsular war, without it the southern Marches may be lost for the rest of the age.
10 Phalanx of troops are gathered to clear a path over the mountains and serve as a relief force to reinforce Duke Sandoval of Irinad, the players will be part of, or traveling with, this force.
- On Thursday, 25-Jul-02 22:43:53 EDT, JOe said
- I think its clear now that I will not be running 8 skilled gentlemen any time soon, I tried coming up with some ideas for continuing from the last game but nothing really seems that great. At this point in the game shing and his group have returned with Written documents proving that Acu had instigated the feud between the Chung and the Song, the party had chased down the ghost demon of Lord Jiang. The gray temple annuls the oath of vendetta and the Chung withdraws from Song lands on the orders of the Jade Eye agent.
With the death of Acu the guardian of Flower Fruit Mt. Is able to pass over through the passage to the Halls of Judgment in the Milk Jade temple. Hansu is given the lands formally belonging to his family to build a home and is named Steward of the Flower Fruit Mt. Hunting reserve, a cover for the new hereditary guardian of the Tome of Emperor Chin Ito.
Miromoto Long is named Seneschal of Song Province, taking over many of the tasks of rulership of the province.
Fong Fay Hong in the sudden peace wanders off to the west were signs of war are beginning to arise.
The other monk continues in his task of spymaster, mostly using his spy ring to find out where he is needed in his self-chosen mission to help others.
The Prince of sparrows continues in his mission of watching over house song.
Shing is named mayor of Tai Town.
Toru is made captain of the Tai town guard.
Miro Sung and Shen are recruited both by Shing for his underground organization and the other monk for his spy ring
I still plan on running in the setting again, possibly with the same characters, so either turn them in to me, or try not to lose them.
- On Saturday, 11-May-02 12:29:37 EDT, Tom said
- Yeah, I did notice the numbers where right, I just figured the last line was missed in the changes...thanks.
- On Saturday, 11-May-02 08:44:22 EDT, Steve said
- The description was wrong, but the numbers were right.
- On Saturday, 11-May-02 01:27:25 EDT, Tom asked
- Was there a typo with my Honor? Since I'm the only person from the game on Wed. that doesn't have "Killed Acu...etc" but have the honor stuff from four games ago?
- On Tuesday, 07-May-02 11:41:57 EDT, Steve said
- Comments on chronicle accuracy are, of course, welcome.
- On Tuesday, 30-Apr-02 19:40:57 EDT, joe said
- No for the first part of the dungeon, although I will be figureing them out tonight so That I dont forget anything.
- On Friday, 29-Mar-02 15:30:48 EST, Mick said
- sorry i missed monday, tracy had to work late and i didnt know it until the last minute.
- On Thursday, 28-Mar-02 00:37:04 EST, Steve said
- Perhaps you decided that learning new things didn't really matter all that much. Maybe you felt like your experience woudln't make a difference. Could it be that your apathy extended even to your learning? Maybe I forgot tot change it to show 32,546...
- On Wednesday, 27-Mar-02 22:15:16 EST, Lou said
- is there a reason I didn't get any exp from the last adventure? or is it just a typo?
- On Tuesday, 12-Mar-02 16:56:19 EST, Hansu said
- I'd just like to point out that my master, Mirumoto Long, is without sin.
- On Tuesday, 12-Mar-02 12:12:42 EST, Joe said
- This is going to be important so I would like these by the next game.
What are you charaters worst greatest weaknesses, as in the 7 deadly sins but with detail.
the 7, anger, envy, sloth, lechery, gluttony, pride and greed.
For instance.
Glottony: Cant stop plotting far beyong need.
Pride: Must be better they anyone, bellittles rivals.
Sloth: Let's shing do all the planning.
Envy: Belives he should be a god and is denied his rightfull place.
Glotteny: Belives no plan is complete unless it leaves his oppenets both bleeding and violated.
Pride: belives his own hide too precious to risk in mere combat.
- On Saturday, 08-Dec-01 18:09:54 EST, Steve said
- Technically, they believe he's too dumb to lie, but it works out the same.
- On Saturday, 08-Dec-01 14:55:57 EST, JOE said
- 1)Cobra's breath, Obscuring fog, elemental burst, Endure elements, change self
2)Resist element, Ice blast, Ice Knife, Fog cloud, Animate Water.
Accumilated stats count as your reputation, sort of like in werewolf, if you have high virtue will will tend to belive what you tell them, High Wuxia will will belive that you can do what you claim, High Honor, that you should recieve what help you ask for.
The players started with reputations for being Wuxish, Virturios, and honorable for thier level, starting at about 30 in each. To maintain that standing the players need to stay at about 10 in each per level. A adverage of about 6 per level would be about adverage.
Right now that means that everone is still consided to be exseptional to those who know of them, but Hansu is known as being a Especialy Virtuious man.
- On Friday, 07-Dec-01 17:30:35 EST, Stevesaid
- What they are is at the bottom of the last two chronicles:
- Virtue
- Participation by roleplaying and background, Hansu is much higher for this night secondary to written charater background and NPC contacts.
- Actions and roleplaying that play to the setting.
- Overall achievment for the night, killing stuff and meeting goals. Mike is always going to end up with a lower honor number because of his advancement being one level higher.
Thus far, they have no game effect and are unrelated to chips.
The numbers shown are for that night. I think the totals are:Character | Virtue | Wuxia | Honor |
Hansu | 17 | 10 | 12 |
Prince of Birds | 7 | 7 | 6 |
The Haughty Noble | 10 | 9 | | 12 |
The Yellow Priest | 10 | 8 | 12 |
The Other Monk | 6 | 7 | 9 |
- On Friday, 07-Dec-01 17:00:29 EST, mike said
- Joe I have a couple of question. 1: I not sure what the Honor, Wuxia, and virtue represent in the game? 2: Is the total from 11/9 game suppose to be added to the number in 12/3 game for hon. wux. vir.? 3: I need the spell in the WuJen book i got off the being at the Dragon shine in game 11/9.
- On Thursday, 06-Dec-01 22:23:26 EST, Joe said
- That part of why Im trying to use the chips, so that I can reward roleplaying and gameplay with instant karma and dont have to do bookkeepings
- On Thursday, 06-Dec-01 18:34:49 EST, Stevesaid
- So I'm guessing the virtue, wuxia, and honor points are just for that night, right? Could you go back to identifying the good stuff, I like a little positive reinforcement.
- On Sunday, 04-Nov-01 12:59:08 EST, Hansusaid
- So what are we going to do when we reach the mountain shrine? I know we are to trust the ghost, but what will we eat and where will the nurse and her charge sleep?