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Meeting with the Elements


At Baron Farkwan's Camp: (Shortly after our Hereoes have rode away)

"Madame Ja-Kryn the rebels did manage to slay Baron Farkwan, but we did manage to capture his life force in the statue." the woman smiles, "Mens egos are so easy to manipulate, he thought that statue was a gift, hahaha. Was he mistaken on that."

Madame Ja-Kryn smiles and laughs a bit herself as she watches Farkwan's statue being loaded into a wagon. Once it's in her mood changes to a serious tone, as she turns and walks through the camp.

"These rebels, who are they Capt. Heirmer?"

"Cutter Tubal and his Bravos?" Heirmer snorts in disgust as he says the name. "He some half-breed from the Thrall Hills in the southern part of Mid South Barony about 10 miles north of the border of Svykur. They've been there for centuries. While they aren't on the friendliest terms with the Royal Family, they outright hate Grifin. They have been trying for years to remove Grifin from power, but haven't been very successful. Over the past year this brat Cutter Tubal has been riding in the "name of the peasants" trying to start a rebellion against Farkwan. Apparently, he's found some help." Heirmer's voices trails for a second, then he snaps back to "Either way, he's nothing to worry about, Madame Ja-Kryn. From what I've heard about Tubal, he'd rather bed his horse then touch or see a woman, and unless he's prancing around with his two little swords he's not much of a fighter. As for his "Bravos", I'd say they're nothing more then a bunch of miscreant village people."

Ja-Kryn stops in her tracks as he says this, turning around, grabbing Heirmer by the throat and lifting him off his feet so he is looking directly in her eyes. Heirmer was a bit shocked that the 7' 1" woman was able to lift his 6' 3", 220lbs body in armor off the ground.

"Those miscreant village people as you liked to call them have manage to kill Baron Grifin and Baron Farkwan with in 72 hours. They have pertinent information to our forces and battle plans, and they're managing to boost the morale of the enemy and is getting them to fight back! I would say that they are more then just a bunch of miscreants, Captain." She throws him to the ground harshly, and puts her boot on his chest. "Remember Captian, the only reason I keep you around is because you have proven to be more loyal to the Cause then the Baron's themselves." She removes her boot from his chest and allows him to get up.

"I've had enough of this playing around. Lady Helana, inform the other Madames that plans are changing and that we move now. Captain prepare your men, we move now." An evil grin crosses her lips as she thinks for a moment. "Lady Helana, send the Riders after our Bravos, they shouldn't take long to catch up to them, and Captain why don't you send a small force to pay a visit to Thrall Hills."

"Yes, Madame" is heard in stereo as they both reply, bow and leave the tent.

At Bykin Castle:

Nadimus busily goes over the table of scrolls laid out before him. He looks up, blinking his eyes to adjust after looking at small handwriting for the last few hours. When his vision clears, he can see the Princess standing before him with Berrick right behind her. He smiles and puts down the scrolls in his hand and walks around the table, arms outstretched to welcome the Princess.

"Ahhhh! Princess Genna I'm so happy to see you. I trust things are going well as they can for the situation you are in." he looks over at Berrick quickly, Berrick flinches a bit. Berrick to this day swore he saw lightning jump around Nadimus's eyes and even back and forth between his eyes. Nadimus eyes are back on the Princess as quick as they were off. "So tell my Highness what do I owe the honor of this visit at such a late hour?"

"Good sir, I am hear because I have witnessed something and have heard disturbing news. Disturbing news about you, Nadimus and I want to hear the truth from you first." Genna replied firmly, but there was still a hint of shakiness in her voice.

"Well of course Princess, what ever the matter is I will be glad to help clear it up." Nadimus just smiles at her softly as he says this. "What is it that you wish to know of me?"

"Well," her voice is unsure as she starts "I've just come from the bykin fields and it appears that the bykin farms have dissappeared." her voice is now strong as the conifidence builds.

"Really? Gone you say?" Nadimus as a look of suprise on his face. "Well now, how could that have happened?"

"That is what I am hear to find out, since my men saw you out there earlier casting spells of some sort. So my question Good Nadimus, where are the bykin farms?"

Nadimus starts to laugh at her question. It is plainly clear he is throughly amused by all this.

"My dear Princess, I've never claimed to be good." the laughter stops as his look grows serious and menacing. "As for the bykin farms, I've taken them and put them in a place that no will find for some time." Nadimus starts to move towards her as the wind around him starts to swirl, his robes whipping wildly around him, as does his hair and beard. The symbols on his cloak start to streak with lightning in chaotic patterns. "And now it's time for you to be put someplace where no one can find you."

Berrick springs in front of the Princess, sword out and ready to fight.

"You'll die trying Wizard!!!" Berrick yells as he moves towards Nadimus

Nadimus just laughs as the room fills with a bright light, and the muffled screams of a scared little girl.

Later at Bykin Castle:

"There is no need to worry. My men have the bykin fields secure, when the attack comes the fields will be completely safe and secure." A soft white glow reflects off Advisor Jakyn's face as he talks.

"I agree Jakyn, the bykin fields are secure." the light fades as Jakyn turns with a suprise look on his face to see Nadimus standing in the doorway. "But their in a place your men will never be able to get to. "

"Nadimus! What are you talking about? What have you done?!" Jakyn's face is full of anger.

"Take a look for yourself, Jakyn." Nadimus motions to the window in the room. Jakyn looks out the window to see that the fields are gone, completely.

"Bring them back Nadimus, now! You will not get away with this you old fool!" Jakyn starts to move to Nadimus, his movement is stop as he runs into a invisible barrier. Moving around he notices that he is completely in cased in this invisible barrier. Nadimus just laughs some more.

"My dear Advisor, I will get away with this and in fact...have" Nadimus laughs even louder as he walks out the door and the stone wall closes sealing Jakyn in.

Adventure Summary

As the party made their way back to the capital, Solvay could hear whispering every once in a while but could not quite make it out. After about three hours of riding, Solvay (who was in the rear) could hear the sounds of horses riding up from behing. He guessed there was about six or so coming at them at top speed. Upon hearing his warning the group immediately took action. Getting off the rode, the group prepared for an attack. As the hoove beats was getting closer, a strange and obscuring mist started to roll in around the group and just as the the horses sounded like they were going to round the bend and be on the group, they stopped. The party waited, in the strange mist, in erie silence to figure out what had just happened when Solvay, and Shane each took a crossbow bolt in the back, and instantly felt their strength drained from them. Turning the group saw four of these shadowy, ghost looking versions of the Amazons moving quickly at them, drawing these black irie looking swords. Acting quickly the party responded, and it wasn't long before they had dispatched the ghost women. As they pondered over what had happend, Morduke let out a scream as he felt his back being cut open by one of these swords, the wound burned as it opened on his flesh. But the Luck of Gramlock was with him, as he was able to withstand the posion that was now coursing through his veins. Before the two new shadowy women could attack again the party made short work of them.

When the women died, the party noticed that only their swords remained. Ulrich grabbed one of the swords by the hilt and screamed out in pain, as he felt the pure evil and darkness within the blade shoot up his arm, causing him to drop the sword. Using a quick spell, Toglard gathered up the weapons and put them in a sack and the party continued their voyage back to the capital. It wasn't long again before Solvay started to hear the sounds of whispering all around him again, he was able to make out some words like "He, Coming, Open" just before the air seem to displace in front of them opening a portal big enough for two horses side by side to walk through. The party relaxed from their fighting stance as they saw Hybar ride out to greet them. Hybar informed the group that they were needed back at the capital immediately, things have happened.

Returning to the capital the party saw that nothing was out of place, but their guard was up. They were taken to the throne room where they saw Tilmoran and Nadimus talking over battle plans for the upcoming attack. Noticing that both Princess and Jakyn were gone, the questions started, Nadimus only replied that the Princess was in a safe place, where no one can hurt or find her. Then Nadimus told Morduke that he needed to come with him, for he needed to show Mordule something of importance. Taking Morduke and all that followed up to a tower in the castle, he waved his hand and the wall melted away and they were led into a room, Jakyn's room. In the center of the room Jakyn stood encased in some sort of magikal cage and could not get out. Nadimus quickly explained that Jakyn was in leauge with Selcor and aided in the first attack on the castle, the kidnapping of the Prince and just about ever other evil thing that has happened in Bistal lately. Nadimus's words where cut short when he noticed the ring on Solvay's finger, he quickly inquired about it and Solvay told him it was just a ring of air elemental control. Nadimus just laughed and pointed out that it was more then just that. The ring that Solvay was wearing was the Ring of the Plane of Air, created by the Air King himself. The ring allowed the wearer not only the ability to control lesser air elementals but call on favors of all the air elementals when ever needed, he also could comminucate and travel in their lands without fear or harm. When he asked where Solvay aquired it, Solvay replied that it was just found with the loot taken from their last few adventures. Nadimus also noticed that the some of the group where hurt and sensed the posion they were infected with. Speaking quickly he told Morduke, Shane and Solvay to follow him, waving his hand a door opened in the wall acrossed the room. Walking through the door, he chanted a little more and the three men felt magikal force around them as they started to walk through the earth itself. After a few minutes of walking they entered a room deep within the earth and found both the Princess and Berrick there, along with some Earth Elementals. Nadimus talked with one of the Elementals before it left the room. The Princess explained that she was fine, but Nadimus had scared her at first. She further explained that Nadimus conviced that Earth Elementals to hide the bykin fields until after the attack.

A few moments later the Elemental returned followed by what appeared to be a younger but important elemental. This elemental was introduced as the Prince of the Earth Elementals, son of Grom, King of the Earth Elemental Plane and all within it. Speaking breifly with Nadimus, the Prince touched each of the wounded party members and their wounds closed and they felt the poision leave their bodies. Morduke and Solvay used this change to ask the Prince a few questions about what has been happening lately, the Prince waited quietly till all the main questions were asked and replied to all at once. (The summary of what the Prince said can be found here) it was during all this that Solvay defulged that the ring came from Farkwan's dead body, which sent Nadimus into pacing around the room and talking to himself the entire time they were there.

Returning with new information, they saw that the others had convinced Jakyn to help, after Cutter had communicated with Selcor through the Message Mirror. Following the information brought back by Morduke and the others, the party headed into the caverns below the castle in search for the earth piece of the Elemental Ring. After about an hour of searching the party came upon three seperate caverns, Solvay could sense that the ring was in one of the caverns. As they entered the first cavern a earth elemental stepped out of the wall, but didn't last long as Toglard let loose with a lightning bolt, followed by a swing or two from Ulrich and Morduke. After searching they realized there was nothing here. They went to the second cavern and found the same scene replayed again. Figuring that the third cavern held the ring the party got ready to enter it. This time two earth elementals came out to attack the intruders. But it was long before the party had defeated them.

Once the party had the ring, they quickly returned to the surface and to the castle. When deciding on who to in trust the ring to, the air elementals whispered to Solvay that Morduke should have it, since he was a follower of Gramlock.


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