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The Thing in the Pit
The Hook
The village of Burnby has a small spring and is near a gravepit which they sometimes harvest.
At the Pit
By the Seven Hells! What do you think that was?
I don't know and I'm not waiting. I just hope it can't get out.
Good Point!
Fergus and Jod said it was big.
Ever heard one of Jod's fish stories?
Well, yeah, but Fergus said it too.Summary
The group had heard there was work to be had in Alewick, where they needed some orcs dealt with. They were on their way when the paused in a village called Burnby.
Burnby was typical of a village in the Sleeping Plains. It had a population of about 50, most of whom lived in ramshackle homes that were as much tent as building. It had a townhall and a storeroom made of brick. There was a small public house with a few beds which is were they stayed.
As they entered town, they met up with Fitzwilliam, the erstwhile sheriff. He asked about their business than, satisfied with their answer, took them to Trudy's, the public house. They made some small talk with her and ordered food and drink. As they spoke, she learned they were for hire. She asked if they'd do some work for the town and when they expressed interest, she sent for Carlisle the mayor.
Carlisle brought along Fergus and Jod, a couple of pitminers. They claimed a floating skull and some toothy monster had run them off. After some negotiations, they agreed to take a look for 20 gold and a couple of nights' stay. Fergus and Jod were pressed into service as reluctant guides.
When they got close, the two townies pointed to a pile which they said was one edge of the pit; there were 4 pits really. The group moved closer to investigate while Fergus and Jod hung back, ready to flee. Taking a look, Stalker spotted some tracks leading away from town. They were small, but booted footprints. They followed them, expecting to find goblins.
After about half an hour, they found a small hollow with a yurt mostly buried. Elben investigated it and could hear people sleeping inside. He poked his head in and spotted three creatures sleeping in cots and a skeleton standing guard. He backed out to report to others.
Valric, less careful than the others, poked his head in despite the warning. The skeleton swung a rusty scimitar and missed. Valric smashed it with a single blow of his mighty axe as the others crowded through the door.
Three ratfolk arose from slumber and the two groups negotiated a deal where the rats would pay 40 gold for the party to report they were gone. They claimed the floating skull was just an illusion meant to scare the locals. An agreement was reached where everyone would to go the pit, they'd conjure the skull, and the group would destroy it to satisfy Fergus and Jod they'd done their duty.
The trip was made, but Elben went to make sure the two yokels saw the action. In truth, he snuck behind to watch the rats. They appeared to summon the skull after one of them drew out a wand. It smacked Valric in a gout of flame, but he shattered it with his axe and it appeared all was well.
Except the rat with the wand said a command word and a half-dozen corpses in the pit were animated as skeletons and attacked. From there, the battle raged with Bezoar and Valric fighting the skeletons and Stalker and Elben fighting the rats. As luck would have it, the group emerged victorious.
Apart from the wand, they found a ring in the pit and a few more cons on the ratmen. They headed back to town and a hero's welcome.
A few days later some local rowdies came to town. They were met first by Fitzwilliam who reluctantly welcomed them to town. As they entered, they encountered Bezoar who was less cordial. He wanted them to get on their knees and apologize to everyone. When they refused, he mimed drawin and pulling a bow and one of them suddenly found an arrow through his chest. He repeated his demand and when they again refused, he signaled to Elben to shoot and kill another, which he did. Feeling left out Stalker shot a third one.
The two remaining fell to their knees and apologized before leaving town, still with their hands in the air.
The group stayed in town a few more days and then planned to resume their trip to Alewick.
Joe: I'm getting a skeletal horse, pulled by a wagon.
Trudy: We may have work
Balric: What sort of work
Trudy: the sort of work men with big weapons do.
Balric: He's a travelling companion that's nearly a friend (about Tim)
Bezoar: I lie down on one of the cots. Too hard. I try another. too soft. Fuckin' Elben, he's got the one that's just right.
Tim: you broke the deal
joe: you rat bastards.
Mick: We're expected in Alewick
Trudy: They know you're coming?
Joe: Yes, we sent Lou's character ahead to deliver the message.
Mick: Are there 7 of othem?
Steve : WHy 7?
Jim: That's kind of odd.
Valric: I traded it for sex and food.
Bezoar: Either way you were going to pitch a tent.The Spoils
98 gold
Tim: Ring of Feather Fall
Joe: Wand of Animate Dead 3 chargesExperience Points
Character Previous Bonus Base New Total Part 1
Character Previous Bonus Base New Total Bezoar of Peroxsial 0.0 175.0 500.0 675 Need 625 for level 2 Roleplaying +50
Clearing the Pit +50
Dealing with rowdies +25
Elben took the best bed and other quips +50Elben 0.0 175.0 500.0 675 Need 625 for level 2 Roleplaying +50
Clearing the Pit +50
Dealing with rowdies +25
Invisible bow +50Stalker 0.0 175.0 500.0 675 Need 625 for level 2 Roleplaying +50
Clearing the Pit +50
Dealing with rowdies +25
That's kind of odd and other quips +50Valric Bloodaxe 0.0 175.0 500.0 675 Need 625 for level 2 Roleplaying +50
Clearing the Pit +50
Dealing with rowdies +25
I traded for sex and food and other quips +50
Chronicles The Road to Alewick =≫
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