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Delve World


A hundred years ago, the lands of Enbul were racked by war. Powerful magicians and their armies blasted the lands and there were many casualties. During a brief peace, the wizards met and tried to determine a way to end the wars once and for all.

No agreement could be reached on how to divide lands and people fairly, so it was decided that a mechanism was needed to resolve their differences. They initially considered a court, but it was decided that it would become too complex. Besides, magical duels and war were the order of the day, not talking.

The finally settled on a limited conflict format, where squads of soldiers would compete. Eventually a committee was formed and they invented the whole Delve Team concept. It quickly caught on and Delvers are now as famous (or moreso) than the wizards and rulers themselves.

The players currently reside in the Kingdom of Malz, a powerful elven wizard with a fiery temper. He is one of the top five Delve Keepers (or so he says) and maintains several Delves.

The town the players are in is Biskay, on the southern reaches of the kingdom. There is a semi-public Delve nearby, with the only requirement being the passing of a basic skills test be each member of the team.

The players hope to pass the test and then enter the Delve to being their way to riches.

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