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"A Night in Tai-Mien"


The Blue Temple
Should we not attack Lord Fresa?
No, let them come to us, already bleeding from playing with my pets.

The Green Temple.
No, dont bother getting up, I’m only stopping by for a moment.
Now that was just stupid, what were you thinking jumping at me like that, now you're all burned.
As I was saying, I Just stoped by as a curtisy call to let you know that I will be the one to recover the head and I would rather not have to fight you to do so, I trust we have a understanding....Good, be seeing you.

Outside the Valley
Patience beasts, we will attack as they leave, the dragon will probably abandon them by then...

Adventure Summary

The adventure continues...

While the group led by Chang Kai made camp in the black temple, Pang Sho and Li Hon studied with their masters many miles away, in the village of Dragonwall. The Celestial Bureaucracy, eager to see the Lost City of Tai-Mien become found, dispatched a messenger to take them to join the other young giants.

Following the bureaucrat, they were able to make the journey in a matter of minutes. The group, thus reunited, decided to take on the ninja. Pang Sho scouted the area first, using his stone of the air guardian to become invisible. He found the temple largely deserted, but discovered a balcony on the second floor which led to another corridor. He searched longer, but found nothing more and returned with his report.

Seeking to gain some surprise on the ninja, Shude suggested they use a cloud ladder to reach the upper levels first. Once more, his decision proved unwise, as the stone statues which decorated the temple walls animated and attacked those on the ladder, destroying it. Thus defeated, it was decided to return to the original approach and enter the temple normally.

Pang Sho entered invisibly and moved to the secret door, then the others came in. When the ninja archer appeared, he tried to open the mouth of the Buddha statue to release some guardian. Sho knocked him away from the wheel which opened the mouth and Kai leapt to the balcony to help him. Sho was more than a match for the archer though and he was killed in a matter of moments. Sho survived the stinking cloud which accompanied the magicians death and sealed the mouth of the Buddha.

The group advanced cautiously into the area and eventually found a stairway leading up. When they opened the door, they found The Toad Master, the Sumo, and Vegita eating quietly. Shude quickly launched a ball of fire into the room, but Vegita escaped. Kai leapt in to attack the charging sumo and was quickly joined by Li Hon, Wu Ho Song, and Pang Sho. Shude moved to one corner of the room to stay out of the fighting and to watch for any newcomers.

The sumo used a Chi power which forced his attackers back and then he and Toad battled courageously against the Yung Giants. The Sumo fell first, bleeding with a black ichor. As the group continued to try to defeat the Toad, the master of the ninja appeared on the balcony overhead and Vegita emerged from the stairs below. Shude used a charm to destroy the master's cover and the master retaliated by attacking him with a spear and a chain, injuring him gravely. Vegita moved to attack Sho.

The Toad did not last long against the onslaught of three giants and was slain quickly. Sho fought Vegita and Shude, fearing for his life, cast a charm which turned him to smoke. Unable to attack the wizard, the ninja master turned his attention to Hon. The battle was not long, for the ninja was no match for the drunken monkey style. He used a smoke powder to escape just as Sho and Song vanquished Vegita.

While the group looked for the last of the ninja and the master, he suddenly appeared, having been blown off the balcony by Tsung's attack. The girl was with Tsung as well, charmed by some draconian spell. Tsung had also found the head of his prized statue and was very glad of it; he also had Chakram's eye. The group searched the rest of the temple, found a few scrolls, and left after forging some bonds for Vegita.

Leaving the valley, they met with the apes of Chakram's commmand. After a brief exchange, it was agreed that the group return the eye to Chakram and he would let them return to the city unharmed.

In the city, they presented Vegita to House Yung for punishment. Shortly afterwards an Imperial messenger arrived. Hu Shude was given an Imperial mission to survey the lands of the ancient province of Zeng, while Wu Ho Song was named to serve as the Imperial Provincial Governor of Zeng.

Sho met with priests from many temples and told them of the lost city and several of them expressed a desire to return their.

Noteworthy Events

The dragon Tsung made reference to Shude's sexual prowess being equal to that of a dragon.

The rise of the Ch'hina dynasty, the creation of a vast desert in the Zeng Province, and the loss of the Bird-god's headress all took place 3,000 years ago.

Vegita possessed an ability called Water-fire, which is normally associated with dragons and involves projecting your chi externally to disrupt the chi of others. He could also fly.

Kakarat has a sister who lives with in the mountains of the Hairy Men


Pang Sho (refering to Li Hon): I have to put up with his drunken antics?!
Li Hon: I only have to be drunk when I'm training
Steve: The rest of the time, it's just for him.

Wu Ho Song: I draw my swords and open the door
GM: You draw the doors and open your...

(Lou seems confused about his own abilities)
Sho: Sorry, I made a long journey in a short time
Hu Shude: Soon, his brain will rejoin him.

The Spoils

12 "Anchored" Arrows Wu Ho Song
Bracers of Defense, AC6 Hu Shude
+1 Chain Weapon Li Hon
2 Stone of Elemental Command Chakram
2 Staves of Smuggling Li Hon

Experience Summary

NameExperienceHonorNoteworthy Achievements
Hu Shudey96,01362Defeating Ninja +12,000 +1 Honor
Discovering Tai-Mien +3 Honor
Use of Spells +3,200
Roleplaying +5,960
Notes +6,400
Imperial post +3 Honor
Followup of Fairy tale +1,600
Tem Po29,88536Did not play
Pang Sho52,35334Defeating Ninja +12,000 +1 Honor
Discovering Tai-Mien +5 Honor
Roleplaying +3,400
Abscentminded priest schtick +1,600
Wu Ho Song70,47353Defeating Ninja +12,000 +1 Honor
Discovering Tai-Mien +5 Honor
Roleplaying +3,600
Governor of Zheng +5 Honor
Chang Kai58,30246Defeating Ninja +12,000 +1 Honor
Discovering Tai-Mien +5 Honor
Roleplaying +3,800
Study of map / Research +3,200
Sung Li39,56330Did not play
Li Hon32,84034Defeating Ninja +12,000 +1 Honor
Discovering Tai-Mien +5 Honor
Roleplaying +3,400
Rolling about like a druken bastard +1,600
Shan Tai15,96111Did not play

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