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Character Creation

  1. Players are encouraged to barrow advantages and disadvantages from other systems.
  2. All players must spend some time training in order to advance in level, this training requires the use of a mentor, the advantage. Mentor is available at start with the mentor level equal to the points spent on mentor, a mentor can only train a player to one level higher then his own.
  3. The Honor system will be used from Oriental Adventures; classes from Oriental Adventures will not be used.
  4. Players can use player option books for character generation.
  5. The setting is based on China, not Japan, while there are ninja and samurai; they are imported rather then inherent parts of the culture.

Other bits.

Priests are forbidden to carry weapons by order of the Emperor. Priests worship all the gods in the Celestial Heavens but belong to temples which serve a select group of them.

Yellow temple
an order of monks dedicated to self-discipline and philosophy

Blue temple
an order of priest who serve the empire as dedicated bureaucrats and scribes.

Red Temple
an order dedicated to picking up a few bucks while serving the needs of the senses, pimps and gamblers, cooks and bards. A fun group of priest but often sleazy.

Green temple
an order dedicated to healing and medicine.

White temple
the order dedicated to funerals and grieving, as well as destroying the undead.

Black temple
as black is the cheapest color available, it is most often worn by peasants, the black temple is the underground temple, rebels and thieves, assassins and spies.

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