RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal The Nobles
We're going to try something different for this game.
It will be at 1st level, very low magic, Arcane Casters are rare so rare that only one player can be an Arcane Caster and that character must be of noble birth.
As the game commences, the players have been exiled from their kingdoms and a 5,000 gold bounty placed on their heads. The despot who has removed them doesn't want to kill them himself (it's bad luck) but he has no qualms about them dying alone in the woods or by the hand of some freelance assassin.
Background Information - Updated: Friday, 08/17/2012 23:45:15
Starting a Character - Updated: Friday, 08/17/2012 23:45:26
Current Characters - Updated: Friday, 08/17/2012 23:45:24