Check out what everyone else is saying:
- On Tuesday, 02-Oct-2007 01:06:18 EDT, aide saidcatalina
- On Sunday, 30-Sep-2007 02:00:30 EDT, an saidcicely
- On Saturday, 14-Dec-2002 22:03:08 EST, Tim said
- I can't play monday I have a hockey game.
- On Thursday, 14-Nov-02 00:37:21 EST, Ferrol Piecekeeper said
- Earn exsperience points while working at home.
Earn 5 percent of what you need for detailing each of the following.
Passion :Sex, money, honor, fame, collectabel trading cards, what ever the player constantly seeks to gain.
Nemisis: A livelong enemy of the charater, or a personal weakness that plauges the charaters life.
Lifetime goals: Recongnition by someone, a title, a change in law governing your status,Mastery of a skill, a reputaion.
- On Saturday, 19-Oct-02 21:46:08 EDT, JOe said
- acually I was using a version of the one from the new dark sun setting page
- On Saturday, 19-Oct-02 15:20:03 EDT, Steve D. said
- So I never saw the version of the ranger that Lou was using before it went swimming, but some of the verbiage here sounded familiar: Revised Ranger
- On Monday, 16-Sep-02 12:28:27 EDT, Steve D. said
- It's also in "Monsters of Faerun" for the third edition and you're right - it's not much help.
- On Sunday, 15-Sep-02 10:28:36 EDT, Keith said
- The arctic dwarf, or Inugaakalikurit, can be found in the Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume Three. Although I don't think it will be of much help.
- On Wednesday, 11-Sep-02 18:46:29 EDT, Keith said
- I thought that there would be more the Ungrateful Son and his riders in the barrow, after all, someone has to mind the fort.
I admit I didn't expect Greyscale, but his presence just means we don't have to hunt him down in order to kill him. Very considerate really. Less tramping through the snow and we won't have blood and bits scattered about the country side. And I personally think it fitting to off him in the holly place that he has defiled for his own twisted ends.
- On Wednesday, 11-Sep-02 11:29:50 EDT, Steve D. said
- True, but I had taken the fact that he was new to the area to mean that he had likely been sent by Greyscale, not that he and Greyscale had both arrived.
From my perspective, I thought we were looking at our chance to stop Ungrateful Son from making one more raid on the villagers. Of course, having not made the second session and no one having shared much about it I don't think I ever really understood our need to go to the Barrow. From what I gathered, it looked like we were thinking it might have supplies and it turns out to have been overrun by evil. I now think we were supposed to go there to investigate problems and US just happened to be there too (or perhaps evil attracts evil...)
- On Wednesday, 11-Sep-02 11:03:14 EDT, JOe said
- Keith: I had ment that as a positive comment because you -were- concerned about your imaginary tribes beliefs.
Steve:The witness is ment to be a surly because he ain't all that happy with his job, what surprises me annoys him.
I did warn the party that ungratefull son was rideing out on the orders of someone called greyscale and I tried to warn the group ahead of time that the doors oposite the entrance to the orcs area had been pushed open from the inside, indicating that thier where at least two areas with critters in them.
- On Wednesday, 11-Sep-02 08:41:51 EDT, mike said
- Joe I will there but it will be late around 9:30 or 10:00
- On Wednesday, 11-Sep-02 00:34:38 EDT, Steve D. said sarcastically
- That might be forgiven, but there's no way you can be forgiven for not realizing that there was more than the half-ogre and his friends lurking in the barrow.
- On Tuesday, 10-Sep-02 20:08:51 EDT, Keith said sarcastically
- Please forgive this ignorant warrior for not knowing the taboos of his imaginary people.
- On Thursday, 05-Sep-02 18:38:55 EDT, JOe said
- Yes, but you din't need a magic weapon, besides it was slippery fingers Kedrin or yeti drumset Kedrin I had to make a call.
- On Thursday, 05-Sep-02 18:40:01 EDT, Keith pondered
- I don't know if I should be annoyed or embarassed by the fact thact the absent guy got the same role-playing bonus that I did.
- On Thursday, 05-Sep-02 17:07:02 EDT, Keith said
- SLippery Fngers? I didn't drop anything, and a grick seemed a perfectly acceptible alternative since I don't posses a magic weapon.
- On Wednesday, 04-Sep-02 09:56:27 EDT, JOe said
- Well since no one else is claiming them...
- On Wednesday, 04-Sep-02 08:38:10 EDT, Steve D. said
- Cool, I'll take your silence as assent.
- On Tuesday, 03-Sep-02 22:56:56 EDT, Steve D. said
- I think I should get all 5 chips.
- On Wednesday, 14-Aug-02 11:44:03 EDT, Steve D. said
- Not sure who Zalistor is, but his log works now. Sorry.
- On Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 22:22:39 EDT, JOe said
- Next question would be which night, if tom's moveing to wensday. It dont feel right to have DnD games two nights in a row, but tuesday/thursday seems like the only nights availible for lou n steve to up for a game without preping for/recovering from festival.
- On Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 20:07:20 EDT, Lou said
- I'm interested. I'm thinking some kind of combat mage. Either a straight wizard or a fighter/sorceror. Not sure which yet.
- On Tuesday, 13-Aug-02 18:27:42 EDT, JOe said
- Well so far I got two charater concepts, steves Kortan Monk and tims Wood Elf rouge/bowguy. Mike has also expressed a interest, is anyone else interested in this game? It would seem kind of pointless to run with only 3 players interested.
- On Wednesday, 07-Aug-02 01:24:25 EDT, JOe said
- The initial force of the 13th legion is being sent over a forgotten pass high enought up that avalanches can't fill the pass and constant winds prevent the snow from getting too deep, the same reasons that the pass has not been in use for some time. Aside from this high pass the only other way for a large group to cross the spine of the world mountains is the Iago pass, which is now unnaturaly snowed in. In addition to the legion thier is a vast train of camp followers consisting of merchants hopeing to make a buck, people worried about investments or family on the other side of the pass and other such non military folk with a need to get accross the mountains.
All races are present in the Empire and might have reason to cross the mountains as part of the military or not, Weins or more rarely Norns might be military or just have gotten stuck on the southern side of the mountains for the winter or even have been hired by the phalanx which crossed over in the first place.
- On Tuesday, 06-Aug-02 23:23:31 EDT, Steve D. said
- I have to admit I'm a little unclear. Should we basically be playing military men? Should we be playing non-humans like elves, halflings, etc? What about the various Peoples of the North, are they open for PCs?