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Orbquest II


Within the circle of Doors.
Vigilance, Life, Havan, Power, and Circle down.
Might and Rule to go.

House Yung.
My lord, I have solved the puzzle Box.
Excellent, open the gates and send out a few scouts.

The Celestial Heavens

Adventure Summary

By dint of hard work and some good luck, the party was able to retrieve the last two rods. The first was relatively easy, with only some small humanoids throwing rocks to thwart the party. A few choice spells from Shude and most of them were dead or fleeing.

Back to the original starting point, the ziggurat proved empty. Distracting the hand with some summoned monsters, the group made its way to the temple and found the final rod. As they approached the wall fell away and Shude, thinking it was Ito's doing, quickly blocked it with a wall of stone, only to discover that it was actually the man he'd charged with opening the puzzle box. They recovered the final rod; in the process a light which had illuminated the rod was extinguished. That light proved to be the only thing which kept the hand from attacking. It attacked, further distractions didn't work and the group eventually escaped using the Rod of Rulership.

Returning to the disk, they used the key and found themselves in a room full of orbs. The proper orb was again guarded by a demon which looked like a little girl. The demon turned out to be and orb with telekinetic powers. The group eventually destroyed it using a combination of physical and magical attacks. The final blow came from an orb which the monster had planned to use on the group, but which was thrown back by Po.

Finding the orb, the group returned home to Hunan using the dragon lines. This further accelerated the growth of their magical dragon organs and left them with tremendous headaches.

While most of the group sought training, Shude remembered the promise they had made and set about seeing if Vegita could be saved. It turned out that Vegita believed himself to be the bastard son of House Yung. He claimed a member of the house had raped his mother and that everything he had done was motivated by their not accepting him.

Seeing no way to save him, Shude took him to the dragon for advice. She commanded that he follow Shude and learn from him. She also had him awaken the power of waterfire within Shude.

Returning to the city, Shude outfitted Vegita as a noble and they joined the group on the path to the last of the trinkets. There they found a huge lake which was occupied by a dragon turtle. The turtle had known kakarat and made to kill them. Some negotiation led them to decide to work together in hopes that the curse could be lifted.

Entering the dragon's treasure vault, they encountered and defeated four Umber Hulks.

Noteworthy Events

The disc was being carried on the back of a huge bronze golem.

The dragon Kakarat provided the trinkets to Ito which were used to trick the handmaiden. His sister tore him to bits to help him and so she is truly the author of this whole campaign

Experience Summary

NameExperienceHonorNoteworthy Achievements
Hu Shude449,688??Gliding Stomach demons +2,925
Copper Automatons +3,250
Hu Shude783,400 ??Dodging Hand 12,000
Stone trowing devils 1,600
Umber Hulks 18,000
Flying Orb 8,000
Roleplaying 25,600
Spellcasting 25,600
Other 25,600
Keeping promise to dragon 12,800
Training 204,800
Tem Po221320??Dodging Hand 12,000
Stone trowing devils 1,600
Umber Hulks 18,000
Flying Orb 8,000
Roleplaying 12,800
Throwing warhead at orb 12,800
Refusing Waterfire 6,400
Tending trees 128,00
Pang Sho247,098??Dodging Hand 12,000
Stone trowing devils 1,600
Umber Hulks 18,000
Flying Orb 8,000
Roleplaying 12,800
Find traps 12,800
Training 25,600
Chang Ki348,717??Dodging Hand 12,000
Stone trowing devils 1,600
Umber Hulks 18,000
Flying Orb 8,000
Roleplaying 25,600
It might be a turtle 12,800
Training. 51,200
Sung Li236658 Dodging Hand 12,000
Stone trowing devils 1,600
Umber Hulks 18,000
Flying Orb 8,000
Roleplaying 12,800
Using Chi power 6,400
Training 25,600
Li Hon139,735 ??Not There

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