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Against the Lich King

#26 #26 Return to Doomgate

The Hook

Can the group save the town of Westhaven from the advancing horde of undead?


The city of Doomgate lies in ruins and now the undead host, bolstered by the recently dead, is on it's way to Westhaven.


After a brief discussion and some scrying, the group opted to have Alon teleport them to the back of the rear echelon of mostly unintelligent and slow-moving undead. When they arrived they saw hundreds of skeletons and zombies and a monstrous Deathweb which walked over many of them and straddled the road.

Bornon was ready and he pulled out a Grave Marker arrow which he had long hoarded for such an occasion. The arrow struck true and the spider took notice of the group at the same time as the mindless undead turned to attack it. The Deathweb was faster, but the group stopped the spider with their own attacks. The spider collpsed almost immediately and the undead continued to attack it.

Hordes of venemous spider erupted from the remains and swarmed towards the party. Alon took care of them with a variety of spells while the others advanced. Arric harnessed the power of the Blessed Attendant to great effect, destroying some undead and scattering others.

There was a small cadre of Skeletal Champions which were attacked by the group. They started to make short work of them even as a pair of skeletal wizards attacked them with spells. It was a brutal fight and apart from the obvious dangers, some of the skeletons exuded a powerful cold which allowed them to drain the strength of the group.

They rebounded quickly once everyone was able to concentrate their efforts with healing flames, missiles, and lightning bolts making short work of them. They cleaned up a few more groups of zombies, including some black zombie, then destroyed two bog mummies.

As they surveyed the battlefield, they were happy with the results; there might have been a few survivors, but there were hundreds of undead who would never threaten Westhaven (or humanity) again.

They gathered up valuables and weapons to take with them, then prepared to teleport again, this time with plans to arrive in Westhaven, hopefully ahead of the undead vanguard.


Steve: Joe, don't you have a bag of holding?
Tim: It only takes non-living matter.
Steve: Okay, so we kill someone...
GM: Who?
Steve: I'm thinking Jimmy, because his mic doesn't seem to be working.

Joe: Okay, so while Ropp is in the bag, we disguise ourselves to look 30 years older and tell him we forgot him.

GM: He tries to claw you twice, missing both times.
Joe: Now I'm tempted to grapple with him and taunt him with "Stop scratching yourself, stop scratching yourself."

GM: Ropp misses.
Ropp: I was confused by Bornon's dramatic killing of the skeleton "Oooh, a skeleton".

Steve: My trainer told me to watch Bridesmaids, what a stupid fucking movie!
Joe: If it had a Christmas tree, you'd have been all over it.

Tim: I'll take the boots.
Joe: Don't you have giant clown feed?

Steve: I think Lou's asleep.
Tim: Looks like.
Steve: Maybe we should set the timer and leave.
Tim: Alexa set timer for 1 minute.
(We didn't leave. We couldn't hear the time go off because Lou was muted, but he did wake up).

The Spoils

Joe: Boots of Elvenkind, 4 +1 Arrows

Tim: Boots of the Enduring March

Lou: +2 Dagger, Bracers of Armor +6

+1 LongBow
2 +1 Longsword
+1 Shield
2 Cloak of Resistance +1
Mummified Hand (magic) can cast grave touch 5/day
2 +1 short swords
1 +2 short swords
+2 Leather (from Lou)

Normal Treasure
1000 gold
2 MW Daggers
2 Skull in a bag.
700 gold
2 spellbooks
24 x Breastplates, steel shield
2400 gold
12 MW Longswords
480 silver arrows
1200 gold
platinum bowl/dish (400 gold)
gikd even holy symbol'

Experience Points

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total

Part 1

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total
Alon 87642.0 0.0 29240.0 116882 Went from Level 10 to 11
Need 28118 for level 12

Arric 95626.0 0.0 29240.0 124866 Went from Level 10 to 11
Need 20134 for level 12

Bamf 85810.0 0.0 15000.0 100810 Need 4190 for level 11

Bornon Dibayou 96546.0 0.0 29240.0 125786 Went from Level 10 to 11
Need 19214 for level 12

Dragan 72713.0 0.0 15000.0 87713 Need 17287 for level 11

Ropp Flamecoin 75826.0 0.0 29240.0 105066 Went from Level 10 to 11
Need 39934 for level 12

War Wandering 71764.0 0.0 29240.0 101004 Need 3996 for level 11

<= #25 Darkness FallingChronicles#27 Saviors of Westhaven =≫
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