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Against the Lich King

#33 #33: Where there's a wish`

The Hook

The party is on their way to find the wishmaster.


The party continues their road trip.


The group continued on their trek to find the wishmaster. The journey was mostly overland and most of the creatures they encountered gave them a wide berth. There were, of course, some exceptions.

Their first camp was near some ruins which they planned to investigate in the morning. Overnight, they were attacked by a banshee who left Ropp deaf before the group was able to make fairly short work of her. Arric called upon the power of the Blessed attendant to heal him and they finished their rest.

In the morning, they started to explore the area and found two pits that were of interst. Down the first pit, Ropp spotted a pile of silver. Getting a little closer, he realized it was a stack of shields just before it animated and attacked him. The group, working together, made quick work of the chain centipede and its mate. They gathered a few items of loot and pressed on.

Late that day, they found a family of mountain trolls. They spoke with them briefly and the patriarch of the clan told them the wishmaster lived on an island in a lake and was protected by a spiked beast. They thanked him for his help and headed in the direction of the island.

Several nights later, they found themselves in a swampy area and thought they might be near the island. As they investigated, they were attacked by the spiky beast: a lesser bandersnatch. It didn't seem any the lesser to them and it even knocked BAMD unconscious before being struck down by Ropp the mighty. Arric spread the blessings of the Bright Lady and they soon found a boat which took them to the island.

There they met an old crone who seemed to live in two ramshackle huts. She suggested they would meet the wishmaster later. As she escorted them to quarters for the night, Arric started to cast detect evil only to be stunned by a spell from the crone who disappeared in a puff of smoke only to be replaced by three vrock demons.

Without Arric, the fight was much more difficult, but the party7 prevailed and killed the trio. No sooner had the last of them vanished than a Glabrezu demon appeared in her place.


GM: You are deafened for 24 hours and stunned for 3 rounds.
Lou: What?
GM: You are deafened for 24 hours ...
(Table erupts in laughter)

Joe: Every time you think of things, you look down.
Steve: That's where I keep my notes.
Joe: Foot notes...

Joe: Damn it! I have two pounds of pepper in the bag of holding. Achoo!
Jim: That would just amke you taste better.

Steve : How big is the foot? Like is it two Bamfs?
Tim: Two BAMF or not two BAMF?

BAMF: The only thing left out of the book was your beauty.
Wishmistress: And if I was an ugly troll would you have come?
BAMF: Yes, several times.

GM: Arric starts to cast a spell, she turns and says "Stun". He's left reeling.
Wishmistress: He seems tired, maybe you should take him to bed.
Bornon: I take him and lay him gently on the mimic bed.

GM: You take 2d4 for the next 10 rounds as green vines start growing out of you.
Joe: Making us grow evil plants? Fucking Rot Dusters.

The Spoils

Necklace with rubies 1200 gold
Magic pouch which sounds the alarm if stolen

Experience Points

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total

Part 1

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total
Alon 193132.0 1160.0 13840.0 208132 Need 1868 for level 13
Roleplaying +1160

Arric 201116.0 1160.0 13840.0 216116 Went from Level 12 to 13
Need 78884 for level 14
Roleplaying +1160

Bamf 160060.0 1160.0 13840.0 175060 Need 34940 for level 13
Roleplaying +1160

Bornon Dibayou 202036.0 1160.0 13840.0 217036 Went from Level 12 to 13
Need 77964 for level 14
Roleplaying +1160

Dragan 113513.0 0.0 0.0 113513 Need 31487 for level 12

Ropp Flamecoin 149466.0 1160.0 13840.0 164466 Need 45534 for level 13
Roleplaying +1160

War Wandering 113504.0 0.0 0.0 113504 Need 31496 for level 12

<= #32: O'Leary's BarnChronicles#34: Welcome to the Demon Dance =≫
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