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Isle of Mysteries


Experience Points for Alek

The Wreck (Part 1) 787.0 210.0 997 1 Earning gift by slaying daemon +100
Rescuing Gillis +50
honoring the code of the sea by not killing pirates +10
Listening to his woman +10
Giving her a name +10
Looting shit +10
My captain, my captain +10
accepting bow was unusable without whineing +10
Halls of reverned silence (Part 1) 532.0 380.0 912 1 Cleaning shrine of deepsea greeting +300
Active exploring +10
Arguing with a woman +25
dead rat abuse +10
trying to draw enemy out +25
poke it with a stick +10
Shark Ridge (Part 1) 620.0 120.0 740 2 leadership +40
asking suri about deamons +20
waiting on gaurd +20
asking for vote +20
cheacking every last room and sewer +10
interview with a gladiator +10
Rumble in the kitchen (Part 1) 1033.0 40.0 1073 2 epic shot with spear +20
checking for additional monsters +20
Leftovers (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 2
When the butcher boy attack (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 2
The lost temple (Part 1) 0.0 1278.0 1278 3 B-team +1278
High adventrue in Butcher's bay (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 3
High adventrue in Butcher's bay (Part 2) 0.0 0.0 0 3
Return to the hole (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 3
Bug hunt (Part 1) 0.0 10000.0 10000 5 B=team bonus to reach level 5
They came with the storm (Part 1) 2000.0 220.0 2220 5 Singnal fire +100
Opening diplomatic relations +100
Trying to be a bad axe +20
Tomb raider (Part 1) 1037.0 4200.0 5237 5 Catch up +4000
trying to slide +50
asking siri +50
qoutable +50
trying to use berry +50
The bitch, the bitch, the bitch in back (Part 1) 1421.0 1185.0 2606 6 Completed adventure +1000
Tell takalis to drop +25
Trying to feel up invsible sucubus +50
Being the cape guy +10
Talking to dragon +25
Interogateing women +50
stoned faced +25
Tomb raiders (Part 1) 3542.0 1080.0 4622 6 Succesful raid. Witnesses, flag, dispoiled tomb +900
I'm not useless anymore +60
leap of faith +60
burlap and fancy coat combo +30
remebering he has a usefull magic item +30
Down the hole (Part 1) 3732.0 220.0 3952 6 Tourniquet +100
Trapper, misdeeds +50
remembering his light +10
remembering rules about attacks and movment +60
Dead man's tomb (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 6
The wreak of the Enterprise (Part 1) 0.0 3000.0 3000 7 catch up +3000
Journey to the west. (Part 1) 2740.0 105.0 2845 7 Acting on cues +70
All those special werewolf powers +35
Broke down Palace (Part 1) 2280.0 2700.0 4980 7 Getting the cure goal +2500
Undead bane +50
Go for the cup +100
left room +50
The unbroke tower (Part 1) 6320.0 150.0 6470 7 Roleplaying +150
Terminal of Trimoz (Part 1) 2880.0 225.0 3105 8 Useing spirit as peeper scope +100
Leave trapped game behind +50
Bypass Triceps +50
Two girls, one cut +25
The BBEG (Part 1) 54000.0 0.0 54000 10
Settlers with a plan (Part 1) 6900.0 100.0 7000 10 Bedroom battle +100
Aftermath of the Dragon (Part 1) 3850.0 5100.0 8950 10 Campaign goal +5000
Man with a plan +100
Shirne of the shark men (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
The inverted pyramid (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
Inverted pyramid 2 (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
inverted pyramid 3 necromancing the stones (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
Inverted pyramid. The next level (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
Kali ma! (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10
Last night (Part 1) 0.0 0.0 0 10

Totals9367430313123987Need 31013 for next level
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