Here's where you find out what's happened in previous adventures and what's
still to come (in some cases).
Book One:
Part I, II
Book Two: Part One
- Chapter One: Heroes of the Day
- The party moves to the Elven lands and defeats some Astollians.
Chapter Two: Undead Attack
- There's undead attacking people of Pallegan.
Chapter Three: The Wasteland
- The party moves into the Wasteland to fight undead.
Chapter Four: Lost Heroes Found
- Ancient warriors are in the Wasteland, forgotten until now.
Chapter Five: The Grey Calling
- The people of Pallegan call for their hero and hope he can hear their cries.
Chapter Six: The Sleeping Hero
- Moving into the Wasteland once again, the party investigates a ancient temple.
Chapter Seven: Lair of the Lich
- Using Toglard's great power the party heads towards "The Lich's" lair.
Chapter Eight: Freedom
- With the undead at rest for now, they party turns to slavery problems.
Chapter Nine: Crossroads
- The slave raids have been stopped. Things appear to be quite, the party decides what to do next.
Chapter Ten: Root of Evil
- Toglard and Olowniuk both get their wishes fulfilled.
Chapter Eleven: When were we?
- Returning to Aredel the group finds their friends getting older.
Chapter Twelve: When were we again?
- Ulrich and his men make up for lost time where ogres are concerned.
Chapter Thirteen Diplomatic Immunity?
- Obtaining permits from the Amazons
Chapter Fourteen Shh! Quiet Please
- Yet another library
Chapter Fifteen Undead agogo
- Slaying the dead
Chapter Sixteen Death Stick
- the official weapon of the dead
Chapter Seventeen Amazon Ally?
- Can anoyone trust the loyalt of a traitor?
Chapter Eighteen: Amazon Armada
- The Amazons have assembled a massive fleet in secret. Crowding near Toglard proves unwise, but not as unwise as some.
Chapter Nineteen Fire Fighting
- What happens when Toglard squares off against an Evil Sorceror and his Fire Cult? Let's just say you could bring a lot of marshmellows to this one.
Chapter Twenty Die Another Time
- Killing undead, while not particularly difficult, is a valuable service and a lot of fun.
Chapter Twenty-One Divine Conversation
- Leave the killing to Toglard, Ferrol's got some thinking to do.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Ill met
- Who need Toglard just because they're the marquee villains?
Chapter Twenty-Three Dead Sleep
- Toglard is just excess baggage.
Chapter Twenty-Four Wake up
- you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed and why thinking isn't Ferrol's strong suit.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Time is On His Side
- Wherein Lt. Dan helps us confront the Timelord.
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Importance of Timekeeping
- Wherein Gusmer strings together a theory.